Only use the following pallet dimensions: 40” x 48” or 44” x 48”
Pallets must be constructed with a minimum of three bottom runners and durable enough to support the weight of the batteries
Remove all attachments from batteries, including cables, to prevent short circuit or sparking
Keep batteries upright at all times
Metal banding cannot come in contact with the posts or terminals of the battery
All vent caps must be in place
Cells must be upright on pallets
A minimum of three horizontal steel bands and three vertical steel bands around the cells are required. Steel banding must be a minimum of 5/8 inch wide.
The banding should pass through the skid/pallet as close as possible to the base of the battery to eliminate the load from shifting during transport
Pallets must be properly blocked, braced, or other wise secured in trailer to prevent shifting of the load during transport
Stretch wrap may be used for extra support for the batteries
Any damaged or cracked batteries must be free of electrolyte
Do not double stack pallets
Instructions for Wrapping Pallet:
Stack batteries three high with cardboard underneath each layer of batteries and on top layer of batteries
Only use pallets that can support the weight of the batteries
Shrink wrap tightly 2 to 3 times around the batteries, making sure to overlap the side of the pallet to secure the load
Terms & Instructions:
Use Smelter bill of ladings and fill out scrap items being shipped in detail; include separate weight of each scrap item and number of skids. The preceding is mandatory.
In case of weight discrepancy, smelter weights and grades will govern.
Any claim must be in writing within 60 days of receipt of material.
Non lead batteries (Nickel Cadmium, Lithium, Hybrid, Alkaline, etc.), Absolyte and missile batteries are not acceptable material and may be subject to a disposal fee, or material returned to supplier at supplier’s expense.
Smelter only purchases LEAD wheel weights. Any zinc or steel wheel weights shipped with lead weights is subject to a downgrade or rejection. Material may be returned to supplier at supplier’s expense.
Scrap lead consists of clean soft lead, free of other materials such as dross, battery plates, lead covered cable, collapsible tubes, foil, type metals, aluminum, zinc, iron, bismuth, brass fittings, and radioactive materials. Cable lead and range lead is not acceptable. Any radioactive markings on an item is a mandatory rejection.
Review specification and get approval from buyer before making a sale or shipment.
All material must be palletized and secured to pallets.
Prices are based on picking up a minimum of 42,000 pounds of NET material, loads less than 42,000 pounds are subject to a dead freight charge.
Extra labor will be charged for batteries in plastic bags, individually boxed batteries, wires attached or poorly packaged shipment.
No pallet weight over 5,000 pounds without approval from buyer.
Smelter Scrap:
Auto type – to consist of auto, truck, marine, golf, and other plastic type batteries weighing less than 120 lbs
Industrial cells – individual cells / jars that are removed from steel case batteries. Absolyte cells are excluded from this category and subject to a disposal fee
Industrial type – non metal case lead battery weighing in excess of 120 lbs
Steel case type – any type of metal case battery, excluding missile, absolyte, or submarine battery
Submarine battery – priced and subject to buyer’s approval
Aircraft battery –we take at no value unless battery is removed from the case.
Lead wheel weights only – Any zinc or steel wheel weights comingled with lead wheel weights is subject to downgrade or rejection. Rejections are returned to shipper at the supplier’s expense. Each pallet must be tagged with supplier’s name and address
Miscellaneous batteries – to consist of SLA, metal case under 300 pounds, lead batteries less than 5 lbs each